The Acropolis of Rhodes revives:
With the inclusion of the project "Protection and promotion of the ancient Acropolis of Rhodes" in the South Aegean Operational Program 2014-2020, one of the most important archaeological sites of the island is transformed into an organized place, according to modern data.
The project was included in the Program in August 2016 with a budget of 1.6 million euros and is implemented by the Archaeological Service of the Dodecanese.
(Source: Journal of South Aegean Region's Managing Authority "Communication", issue 31 / August 2018, pp. 10-12).
Rhodes, the largest and most populous island in the region and one of the most important tourist destinations in Europe, is natural to accept great environmental pressures, which require immediate and effective treatment by the central administration and local government, but also brave funding. During the previous programming period, a large-scale effort has begun for the environmental upgrading of the island, including the rehabilitation of three Uncontrolled Waste Disposal Sites (Afandou, Archangelos and Kamiros) and the extension of the Sanitary Landfill Site covering the northern part of Rhodes. At the same time, two more important projects were launched: the construction of the Recyclable Materials Collection Center (KDΑΥ) and the new landfill in South Rhodes, recently completed and put into operation.
(Source: Journal of South Aegean Region's Managing Authority "Communication", issue 31 / August 2018, pp. 6-7).
Violence against women is a phenomenon which affects women in a global range, with immediate consequences in their physical integrity and mental health. Domestic violence or else the “invisible violence” is the most often cause of their injury. The act of violence and the abuse constitute a flagrant violation of human rights, they are recognized as crimes and are penalized as such. European Union’s policy is aimed at prevention and fight against gender violence and domestic violence, so as the victims enjoy equal protection in all Member States.
Under the Program's framework counseling and hospitality structures, women victims of violence and multiple forms of discriminationare are co-financed.
(Source: “Communication Magazine”, published by the South Aegean Managing Authority, magazine’s issue No 30, March 2018).
Kythnos Archeological Museum’s construction, a project that was integrated in the South Aegean’s Operational Program during the summer 2016 and is being implemented now, is a project that is expected to offer multiple benefits to the island, which is in a stable touristic development’s orbit. For the first time in Kythnos, the island’s cultural identity finds a shelter in a modern museum and becomes accessible to every scholar and visitor. The Archeological Museum will be sheltered in the old primary school’s building, an unvalued neoclassical building, in which, the permanent reach archeological findings’ expedition that are coming to light from 2002 till today, will be taking place.
(Source of the article: “Communication Magazine” published by the South Aegean Managing Authority, magazine’s issue No 30, March 2018)
An additional new school unit was put into the service of education thanks to the NSRF fund resources, that is the Kindergarten and the Primary School of Aigiali area in Amorgos, a project that was completed by the South Aegean Operational Program 2014-2020 with a budget of 1,7 mil. €. It is now a springboard for the education of over 100 students of the above mentioned Cycladic island, which in the latest years has increased educational needs, because of the inhabitants increase and the great touristic development.
(Source: "Communication Magazine", publised by the South Aegean Managing Authority, issue 29, November 2017).
A modern hall of culture - sport in operation
After the grand opening last September, the new Multipurpose and Sports Event Hall of the Primary School in Archilochos, Marpissa, Paros is functional. The hall was funded by the South Aegean Operational Program 2014-2020 and joined by the school’s upgrade project, that is in an implementation stage, has a total budget of 1,5 mil. €.
(Source: Communication, Magazine, publised by the South Aegean Managing Authority, issue 29, November 2017).
Naxos Island Sanitary Landfill Site, one of the most important projects concerning the Cyclades environmental protection was completed and went into operation since last February. The project was implemented under the Operational Program Environment and Sustainable Development 2007-2013, with a budget of 4,9 mil. € and also under the Operational Program Transport Infrastructure, Environment and Sustainable Development 2014 – 2020 with a budget of 3,5 mil. € and co-financing by the Cohesion Fund and resources of the Greek State.
(Source: "Communication" Magazine, publised by the South Aegean Managing Authority, issue 28, August 2017).
The resources of the South Aegean Operational Program 2014-2020, especially those directed to infrastructure projects, are very limited in relation to the great needs of a predominantly insular Region. This makes it even more urgent to select and finance the most important and developmental projects. One of these is the new General Hospital of Karpathos, which joined the "South Aegean" Program 2014-2020, on the priority axis "Improvement of basic infrastructure" co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, with a budget of € 6.1 million and an implementing body for Building Infrastructure SA.
The construction of the General Hospital of Karpathos has been a matter of many years. Initially, it had been included in the financial framework of the previous Operational Program, but it could not be completed within the timeframe of the NSRF 2007-2013 (the contract was signed in September 2014), in December 2015 it was transferred to the new Program, ensuring its financing and completion.
(Source: "Communication" Magazine, published by the South Aegean Managing Authority, issue No 27, October 2016).